Go Eat Give volunteers in Bali were invited to a family temple in Sukawati village for a ceremony and festivities. This temple celebrates its anniversary every six months, when all the village residents get together to pray and the little ones put up a performance of music and dance. Only the family members that are related through generations attend the ceremonies at the festival.

After taking blessings from God, the audience gathers around in an open air tent to watch their kids put up a show for which they were for  practicing months. The musical and dance performance by the 5-10 year old mesmerized the volunteers, who had never seen anything like this before. The exceptionally talented performers had expressions, movements and seriousness that would never give away their age, had it not been for their tiny figures. The girls looks like dolls in traditional costumes, moving their hands rhythmically to the music that was played live by a group of boys. The youngest of them was only 5 years old but in charge and holding every key to perfection.

copyright Go Eat Give

copyright Go Eat Give

copyright Go Eat Givecopyright Go Eat GiveEvery family in Bali is required to build their own temple. The size of the temple depends on the wealth of the family. Balinese people always have a temple at their house, in their family, at least three for the village and many other public ones.

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