My Momma Throws Down is a new comedic cooking competition that will be airing on TV One starting in April 2012. It is hosted by Ralph Harris (as seen on Last Comic Standing) and produced by Triage Entertainment (who produced Iron Chef America).

Yesterday, I went to the filming of the show at Turner Studios in Atlanta. It was actually quite an entertaining experience.

First of all, the set was beautifully done with two stations for each of the competitors, neatly organized pantries and starlit ceilings. The competition starts out with family members of the mamma’s who swear by the food she cooks. They have to nominate (or mominate) their mom’s to be the best cook out there.

The lively supporters also have to engage in a round of “smack down” where they verbally (in good humor) attack the opponent, saying “Your mama cooks so bad….no one shows up for dinner, there is a state of emergency…etc.”

In another round, one family member from each team is blindfolded and asked to taste and decided who has the most delicious dish. Often times, the person is unable to pick his/her own mamma’s food and ends up disappointing her!

The celebrity judges on the show include African-American foodies, actors, authors and more. Yesterday, there was Jessica Harris, Malinda Williams, Vanessa Williams and Nicole Ari Parker. The judges had to taste the competing dishes and decide which one was the best. In the first challenge, the winning signature dish won $500 and in the second challenge the two mamma’s had to cook an entire meal racing against the clock. The winning mamma won a prize of $2,500 in cash.

While there are hardly any elements of The Iron Chef in this show, it is a family-friendly lighthearted comedy with the backdrop of a kitchen feud. It gives an opportunity for everyday mom’s to shine and be valued for what they do for their families day after day.

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