When you are planning a trip abroad with sustainability in mind, it can sometimes be complex and hard to execute. You may think of options like a  group trip, head to a particular destination you think is more sustainable, or look for ways to make a positive impact when you arrive. Thankfully, some travel organizations, […]

How G Adventures Gives Back to the Community

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According to a recent study, only 42% of U.S. citizens currently have a passport (as oppose to 4% in 1990). More Americans are traveling abroad than ever. If you are someone who is leaving the country for the first time, it is good to do your homework. You are probably getting excited to go on […]

Important Tips for First Time International Travelers

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It boggles my mind when people ask me, “Is it safe to travel abroad?” Eyebrows rise when I tell someone I am going to Honduras or South Korea, and they show concern for my security. Perhaps they heard of a recent kidnapping, tsunami or nuclear threat in that country, but is it safer to stay […]

Is it safe to travel abroad?

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As mentioned in my earlier post about the Global Health & Humanitarin Summit, I presented a session on “Volunteering Abroad – from a writer’s perspective” at the summit. My 20 minutes session focused on trends in volunteer vacationing, my personal experiences from my volunteer trips to Morocco and Russia and a perspective on some things I learned. […]

Inspiring global humanitarians to travel

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