It is located in Southeastern Mexico, on the north part of the Yucatán Peninsula. Yucatecan food is its own unique style and is very different from what most people would consider Mexican food. It includes influences from the local Mayan culture, as well as Caribbean, European (Spanish), (North) African, and Middle Eastern cultures, as well as from the […]

10 Essential Dishes of Yucatecan Cuisine

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During my recent visit to the colonial city of Velladolid in the state of Yucatan, Mexico, I had the privilege of visiting John Venator at his home. Venator is a retired American executive who fell in love with Mexico few years ago. He visited the Yucatan area with his wife on vacation, and eventually made […]

Living With Art in the Yucatan

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Research shows that 50% of travelers chose a destination based on the food. That may be true when you are planning a trip to countries that are globally renowned for their food – Italy, Spain, India, Mexico, Japan and many more. But Greenland may not make it to the list of foodies travels. It was […]

What will you eat in Greenland? Part 1

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What started as a traditional North American holiday is now also celebrated by millions of immigrants and ethnic groups who call the United States home. In 1621, the Plymouth colonists (English) and Wampanoag Indians (Native Americans) shared an autumn harvest feast that is acknowledged today as one of the first Thanksgiving celebrations. For more than […]

Variations of the Thanksgiving Turkey

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Yes, it is safe and legal for Americans to travel to Cuba. Since President Obama lifted the embargo, Americans can now go to Cuba provided it is for certain objectives. These include visiting family, educational or professional research, humanitarian and religion. Permits and visa are required but easy to obtain as long as you go […]

Can Americans travel to Cuba?

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On Saturday, April 25th, Atlanta based Latin Contemporary restaurant, Alma Cocina will host “Dine Out for Go Eat Give.” Which means 20% of all dinner proceeds that day will go to Atlanta based nonprofit, Go Eat Give.

Dine Out for Go Eat Give at Alma Cocina

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Each year, I share with my readers the five best meals I have eaten that year. This is always very hard to do, as I get to enjoy many of the finest restaurants in the world. In this year alone I was able to sample creations by talented chefs in Atlanta, Barcelona, Dallas, Florence, Roatan, […]

Top five meals in 2012

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As you begin to pour the wine, carve the turkey and plan your shopping lists today, take a moment to pause and reflect on the true meaning of Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving in the 21st century

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