With several countries still closed and vacation plans coming to a halt, the need to travel is at an all-time high. If you are looking through old travel pictures, feeling nostalgic about places, or still trying to plan a trip for the near future, you’ll definitely get the travel blues. The pandemic has everyone on […]

Best Travel Books of 2020 That You Need To Read

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In America, what’s a common way for a person to greet someone? A usual “Hi! Nice to meet you!” followed by a handshake is what many would think of when asked that question. What started as a Greek symbol of peace has became an everyday action now, but how do you feel about the new […]

Greetings to Learn From Other Cultures

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Due to the Coronavirus, the closing of numerous states and countries have put a pause in many people’s travel plans. Though it may be a while before the tourism industry takes full flight again, the United States is beginning to ease its quarantine restrictions as states make plans to reopen. That being said, family-friendly, affordable […]

A Complete Road Trip Guide During COVID-19

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What did I like most about the Philippines? Well, a lot of things! Beautiful beaches, quiet islands, fresh fruits, friendly people, to name a few. Each day, I thought about what it would be like to live here and thought about the five most compelling reasons I would want to move to the Philippines. Mangoes Grow […]

5 Reasons Why I Could Live in the Philippines

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Mongolia was one of the countries that I was fascinated to travel to, but didn’t know much about. In my imagination, I had pictured a vast barren desert with nomadic culture. Though some of that was true, I discovered a lot more in Mongolia during my one-week visit. Here are some of the most beautiful […]

10 Things I Love About Mongolia

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BIG NEWS!!! My first children’s book, Beato Goes To Greenland will be available in bookstores and online next week! Pre order your copy through Mascot Books by clicking here. It has been a long process. I have started to write books, finished the chapter outlines, pitched to editors, started working on the Book Layout Design, […]

Announcing – My First Book on Kids Travel

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When shopping for new luggage, what are some things that you look for? For me, it is looks, durability and price. With thousands of black, blue and red check-in bags circling around the conveyor belt, it can get difficult to identify your bag. Have you ever picked up someone else’s suitcase because it was the same, […]

Customized Lightweight Luggage That You Can’t Lose

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Picture a human female nursing a stray doe with her own breast milk. When I first saw this video in a BBC documentary, I was speechless. It was filmed in a village in Rajasthan, India that I had never heard of before. The lady’s husband found a baby deer who went astray, brought it home, and […]

Is This The World’s Most Sustainable Village?

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When I was a teenager, my doctor told me I may have a sleep disorder. As an adult, my primary care physicians confirmed it. I have always had trouble falling asleep and wake up in the middle of the night to anything louder than a pin drop. My restless thoughts have kept me up for […]

Sleep Better with the Philip Stein Sleep Bracelet

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Jamaica is a wonderful island known for its white sand beaches and reggae music. The country is a perfect destination for a family vacation, wedding celebration, outdoor excursion, or culinary tour. Deciding what you want to do when you do visit Jamaica is as simple as finding 7 best things to do in Falmouth Jamaica […]

5 Cities in Jamaica You Must Go To!

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Indonesia is a country brimming with sights, shopping, and fabulous food. As a country known for its diverse use of spices, its cuisine is one of the most colorful and vibrant of any in the world. Here is a quick overview of some of the most traditional and popular foods of Indonesia, and some of […]

6 Must Try Food and Drinks in Indonesia

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Lebanon is a beautiful country in the Middle East, bursting with history, great food, and great culture.  It being a classic traveler’s destination, how can you decide where to go and what to see?  Since planning a trip can be quite the task, Go Eat Give has named the nine must see cities in Lebanon for […]

9 Places to Visit in Lebanon

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Arriving in Hue, Central Vietnam, I can immediately see the difference from the north. It’s calmer, more relaxed, the people are friendlier and the streets cleaner. Hue is a huge city with a lot of history, specifically regarding the Vietnam War. I am a little wary on how they would receive Americans, as one should […]

Death Highway and War: A Tour through the Eyes of the Vietnamese

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Much has been written about the ruin of previously unspoiled travel destinations due to the overwhelming popularity of the very things that made them desirable to begin with:  Natural beauty unmarred by hotel high-rises;  arts as opposed to mass-produced memorabilia; culturally unique traditions that do not mock their practitioners; and economics based on something other […]

Todo Cambia – What is it like in Cuba?

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My daughter Dawn and I knew Cuba would play with our expectations as soon as we landed.  The female personnel at the Havana airport were dressed in conventional style uniforms but where their skirt hems ended they had on fishnet or other patterned stockings. 

The best time to visit Cuba is NOW

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Whether you are going to New York City or Nairobi, it is important to be a responsible traveler. Often times, tourists fall into traps due to their own lack of awareness and failure of judgment. True there are many incidents you cannot avoid, but for the most part, a good traveler can take certain measure […]

Ten Tips for Travel Safety

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My dear friend Gina wrote on her blog today to just get out there and do it because “none of us is guaranteed a next time.” That made me think about my own philosophy of life. I hardly ever talk about religion publicly, but here’s my story. My great-grand mother was a Hindu, she converted to Christianity […]

Just do it

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It’s summer time already. The temperature is rising, the economy is still tight and the kids are out of school. It’s time to go to the pool, watch movies and have sleep-overs. But after a few days, you will get tired of all that. If you are scratching your heads on how to keep yourself […]

Fun things to do during the summer holidays

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Over the past few weeks, a lot of people have asked me “What is the idea behind Go Eat Give?” “Is it just a web site or more?” “What do you hope to achieve through it?” and “How can people get involved?” I have answered some of those questions in my recent radio interview and […]

The Go Eat Give movement

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I have heard numerous stories over the years about how people have returned from a vacation with sour stories of stolen passport, money or expensive items. And then there are others that fall victims to con artists and willingly fall into the trap of giving it away free willing. In fact, some people have a […]

How to avoid travel scams

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