When I was a teenager, my doctor told me I may have a sleep disorder. As an adult, my primary care physicians confirmed it. I have always had trouble falling asleep and wake up in the middle of the night to anything louder than a pin drop. My restless thoughts have kept me up for days at times. I have tried all kinds of remedies but no fix – hot baths, warm milk, listening to music, reading, aromatherapy, vitamin supplements and even medication. A few people I know that do suffer from sleep disorders have been using sleep masks from places like CPAP Direct, to help them with their sleeping and I think that’s always worth giving it a try! I am always looking for new treatments that could help with my sleep and I feel everyone is different and therefore, need different treatments to deal with their condition. And I’m not only talking about medications and treatments, comfort is a good one too. Some of my friends who have trouble sleeping have sworn by latex mattresses, they claim to have found the Best Latex Mattress 2021! I have yet to try it out, but it sounds like a winner.

So when I heard about the Philip Stein Sleep Bracelet, I was intrigued. Philip Stein uses their patented Natural Frequency Technology in bracelets and watches that are suppose to channel the earth’s natural energy toward your body to combat a particular issue, such as stress, focus or sleep. People who wear them have reported less tension, improved concentration and enhanced well being.

philip stein sleep bracelet

I have owned a Philip Stein Teslar watch (thanks to Oprah including it in her Favorite Things list three times) and after months of use, did not experience any noticeable sense of increased well being, so I was skeptical of the bracelet’s claims. Turns out they no longer use the Teslar technology. Without doing much investigation that would bias my opinion, I decided to give the sleep bracelet a shot.

It didn’t look like there was much to the bracelet – camel colored hypoallergenic strap with a stainless steel rim around a glass window that showcases Philip Stein’s unique Natural Frequency Technology disc. I wore the Slim version of the bracelet, which still fits oddly given my very narrow wrists. The edge of the strap sticks out of the loops and dangles while I’m in bed. Philip Stein recommends putting on the sleep bracelet 15 -30 minutes before going to sleep. They also recommend 30 nights consecutive use to feel the full benefits of the sleep bracelet.


I have only tried the bracelet for two weeks now, but can already see some benefits. It takes me slightly less time to fall asleep, and once I do, I have a deeper sleep, pleasant dreams and wake up restful.

After more research, I found reviews by other bloggers who experienced mixed results. However, a clinical trial placebo study conducted by Philip Stein reported that 96% of the subjects who did wear the bracelet responded to at least one variable. During the NFT/Sleep NFT condition the results of those responders indicate: 64% report feeling more refreshed, 61% report that dreaming was more pleasant, 43% report falling asleep faster, 43% reported sleeping more total minutes, while only 18% reported fewer minutes awake. Read more details of the study.

Philip Stein Stainless Steel Slim Sleep Bracelet has become my essential nighttime accessory. I tried a couple of days without it, and did not sleep as well as I did with the bracelet on. If you are still skeptical, try it on for 30 days and decide for yourself. Perhaps you will find an easy way to sleep better and wake up refreshed in the morning.

It is said that Philip Stein’s collection of watches and bracelets also works for people who have fear of flying, or just have generally high levels of anxiety.

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