Comments and photos provided by the Refugee Center in upstate New York… The Heart of a Community Albany, New York is both the center of the capital region and home to a number of diverse communities. Organizations like the West Hill Refugee Welcome Center (RWC) work tirelessly to create opportunities for its members, as well […]

Refugees in New York Raise Awareness Through Fashion

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When you think of good quality olive oils which countries come to mind – Italy or Spain? But did you know Croatia is emerging as the best olive-growing region in the world? Total Croatia News reported that Flos Olei, the first and most respected guide to the best olive oils in the world premiered their […]

This Country Has the Best Olive Oil & You Didn’t Even Know It!

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As a native New Yorker or a tourist looking to explore the city, you’ll no doubt take the subway. While crazy New York City subway stories make you crave a cab, New York’s underground can be a great experience, too. This is especially true is you’re into colorful creativity, as art in the subway abounds! NYC takes […]

New York City’s Best Subway Art Guide

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A trip to downstate New York can offer a quick escape; with beautiful natural surroundings, charming towns, farm to table dining, wineries, and more.   If you plan your trip in advance, you can also catch some of the local festivals and concerts that happen in New York’s Dutchess County. Here are the top 10 […]

10 Reasons to Visit Dutchess County, New York

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Hudson Valley Region, not often is this what comes to mind when I think of New York. When I think of New York, images of the city’s bustling streets, neon lights, Broadway musicals, top chef restaurants, and shopping at 5th Avenue fill up my head. However, The State of New York is actually incredibly vast […]

Weekend in Hudson Valley Region, New York

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The city of New York is home to some of the finest restaurants in the world. But if you want to experience real food that is served directly from the farms, head north within the state to Lake Placid, NY. Located near USA/ Canada border, Lake Placid is nestled in the heart of the Adirondack Mountains […]

Farm to table in upstate New York

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The Lake Placid I am going to tell you about has nothing to do with the giant, 30-foot-long man-eating crocodile that terrorizes people as depicted in the movies Lake Placid, Lake Placid 2, Lake Placid 3 or Lake Placid: The Final Chapter. This Lake Placid is a beautiful vacation village located in the Adirondack mountains […]

Secrets of Lake Placid

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While you are enjoying your buttermilk pancakes on a cozy Sunday morning, drenching them with a sweet natural syrup, you may want to read this story of how maple syrup makes its way from a tree to your table.

Maple Syrup: From Tree to Table

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It all started last year, when my husband and I were watching the first season of The Marriage Ref on NBC. Being Jerry Seinfeld fans, we enjoyed the mature harmless humor that the show produced. Even then, in his heart still wanting to appear on a show, my husband said “We are too normal for […]

Being on The Marriage Ref….

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While walking down the streets in Manhattan yesterday, my eyes were magically drawn towards rows of colorful teeny tiny sugary treats against the backdrop of a stork white store. With the doors wide open inviting me in, I was intrigued and had to look closely at what I was seeing. There were cupcakes, but not just […]

Bite size art in the city

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